Posts Tagged ‘digital’
Nailing It 24: Creating an effective client intake form
Welcome back to another episode of Nailing It, the podcast where we talk all things about nailing your niche, nailing lead gen and just being a bad “ah-ah” in business so that you build the business and the life that you so desire. Now today, I am talking about client intake forms. I want…
Read MoreNailing It 23: Ben Amos
Steph: Good day, welcome back to the Nailing It podcast. And today, I have Ben Amos with me. His business goal is to get business owners to stop using video just for the sake of it. So, stop creating boring noise that is just injecting into the marketplace that you may have actually done…
Read MoreNailing It 22: Boundaries for Entrepreneurs
Hey guys, I’m talking about boundaries today. The boundaries you should set so people know how to work with you. There has been a lot of conversations in my one on one coaching sessions and also a few of my masterminds that people are struggling with boundaries and they are exhausted and they feel almost…
Read MoreNailing It 21: How to Prepare for Hiring Your Admin Assistant
Hey, crew. What up? It is Steph, and I am back with another golden nugget. This one’s on admin, and I know, “Ah, I don’t want to listen to admin crap, Steph. Can’t you give me something else?” But this little nugget is going to set your mind up, so that you can start…
Read MoreNailing It 20: Loyalty in Business
Hey, crew, what up? I just want to share a little insight about loyalty and repeat customers. So often, we can get pitched for a job, and the customer can come in and say, “Hey, I’ve actually got two of these I need to get done, so what’s the best price you can give me,…
Read MoreNailing It 19: Designers and Accessibilty
Stephanie: Hello and welcome back to the podcast, today we have Colleen Gratzer Colleen: Hi, have a bonzer day, is all the Australian I know, so. Stephanie: A bonza day? What Australian told you that one? Colleen: I don’t know somebody from WP Elevation told me have a bonza day means have a good day.…
Read MoreNailing It 18: Passion & Execution
Passion is a necessary element to success, but passion on its own is not sufficient. Welcome back to another podcast episode of Nailing It with yours truly, Steph Campanella. Today I want to talk about passion. So often when we talk about nailing our niche, or picking a niche we’re told we need to have…
Read MoreNailing It 17: How to Tell Stories To Grow Your Business with Greg Koorhan
Steph: Well, hey everybody and welcome back to The Nailing It podcast. I have a special guest here today, Greg Koorhan. He is an awesome human being and this is his official bio just so that we make sure that we tell you exactly who this guy is, all right? Greg is an award-winning…
Read MoreNailing It 16: 11 Leadership Tips for Ladies Who Want Lead
Hey, crew. Steph here, and I recently spoke at a recruitment agency in the city in the Sydney CBD, called Sirius People. I was blown away by the culture and the experience Sirius has created for their office. They do Tech Talks once a quarter and I was lucky enough to be…
Read MoreNailing It 14: Coffee Kills Business
Don’t you hate it when someone asks you to catch up for coffee. Cause they really want to pick your brain…. Is that cool? When are you free? Have you got an office? Can we get together? I wanted to bust a myth about getting coffee with people that you’ve never met before. I’m super…
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